The soup cooking culture is born out of the concept of health care and habit of life, starting from the concept of medicine and food homology. The study of how to eat the finest ingredients and nutrients in the food is apply to meet the benefits of nourishing health. Since the climate in Malaysia is mostly humid and hot, the properties of Zonghua Herbal Soup is mostly mild in order to act as moisturizer, removing dampness, and health conditioning. 'One sip of soup, warm the body', and also it can enhance our own immunity. Soup is matched with the season to meet the best health effect. There are more than 20 kinds of herbal soup in Zonghua Herbal Soup series. Each kind of soup bag is composed of different Chinese herbs to achieve the effect of recuperation. A bowl warm soup is an expression of health and care. Let Zonghua Herbal Soup deliver your love.